Any Multi-day pet not picked up by 11 AM will be charged at an additional fee.
There will be an additional $5 charge per day during holiday weeks.
Boarding Rates - Per Dog
Dogs under 20 lbs…$30
Dogs 21-50 lbs… $35
Dogs 51-100 lbs …$40
Dogs 101 lbs and over …$45
No shared rates
Bungalow Per Night..$30
The Bungalow’s are not recommended for pets larger than 20 lbs.
Around Holidays, Spring and Fall Break Prices go up by $5 per dog per night.
Small Kennel per night..$30
Small Kennels are recommended for any pet under 20 lbs.
Around Holidays, Spring and Fall Break Prices go up by $5 per dog per night.
Large Kennel per night..$35
Large kennels are recommended for pets 21-50 lbs.
Around Holidays, Spring and Fall Break Prices go up by $5 per dog per night.
Extra Large Kennel per night..$40
Extra Large Kennels are recommended for dogs 51-100 lbs or anyone that would like the extra room.
Around Holidays, Spring and Fall Break Prices go up by $5 per dog per night.
Extra Extra Large Kennel per night..$45
Extra Extra Large Kennels are recommended for dogs over 101 lbs or anyone that would like the extra room.
Around Holidays, Spring and Fall Break Prices go up by $5 per dog per night.
Cat boarding per night..$25
The cats are located away from the dogs to reduce stress.